
シドニー 言語交換

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  3. 🇦🇺 シドニー


母国語 :  日本語
こんにちは、 Nobuと言います。 オーストラリアのシドニーに住んでいます。 手話 (オーストラリア手話)を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は日本語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  英語, 韓国語
学習言語 :  日本語
シドニーに住んでいる韓国人です。日本語を学びたいので、日本の友達を作りたいです。あなたに必要な英語と韓国語を教えます! Hi Guys I live in Sydney, anyone who want to learn korean or english just message me!
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  ロシア語, 英語
Hey guys! M a new students in sydney ,i seldom seen the guys from diffrent countries in my hometown,@.@ I think i will stay in sydney for 2 yrs , if we have times to have some conversations in the weekend ,its a good way to improve the languege we want learn! m 100% patience enough!
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは。 私はピーターです。 私はシドニーに住んでいて、美術教師として働いています。 私は芸術、デザイン、映画、本、音楽、猫、食べ物、文化が好きです。 私は結婚していて、子供が二人います。 シドニーの語学学校で日本語を勉強していますが、まだまだ初心者です。 日本語ネイティブスピーカーとの会話練習をもっとしたいです。 あなたが英語を上達させたいのなら、私はあなたを助けることができます。 あなたが初心者であろうと、もっと練習したいだけであろうと、私はあなたの英会話、発音、文法を喜んでお手伝いします。 気軽にチャットしたり、食べ物、旅行、音楽、お気に入りの映画やテレビシリーズなどのトピックについて話し合ったりすることができます。 気軽に私にメッセージを送ってください。 チャットできる時間を決めましょう。 Konichiwa. My name is Peter. I live in Sydney where I work as an art teacher. I like art, design, film, books, music, cats, food and culture. I am married with two children. I have been studying Japanese at a language school in Sydney but am still a beginner. I would like more conversation practice with Japanese native speakers. If you would like to improve your English I can help you. Whether you are a beginner or just want more practice I am happy to help you with your English conversation, pronunciation and grammar. We can just chat casually or we can discuss a topic such as food, travel, music, or your favorite movie or TV series. Message me and let's find a time to chat.
学習言語 :  韓国語
Hi 👋 I am learning Korean as a hobby and I can read and understand some korean but I want to focus on speaking, so I am looking for a speaking partner to improve my speaking. I like to watch movies and I also read in my spare time. I am interested in music, I can play the guitar a little and I want to learn how to play the piano.
母国語 :  スペイン語
Hi! I'm Ivan, how is it going? I'm interested in learning languages, have some nice chats with people! Currently focusing in my Norwegian (I'm a absolutely a beginner). I love cultures, travels, adventures, read books, sports and music. I'm pretty open-minded and enjoy having conversations about anything. I'll be happy to teach you Spanish or maybe give you a helping hand with your English, I'm not a native speaker but I'm fluent. So let's talk! See ya!
母国語 :  英語, 韓国語
Hi My name is Kevin. I was born in Korea and immigrated to Australia. i am working at Samsung Security camera distributor in Australia. i would like to learn more about languages, culture and music etc... i was hoping to learn more new languages and see you when i travel there. I love music, movies and Golf. Kind Regards Kevin HJ Park
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  フランス語
My name is Ruby. I live with my husband and dog in a lovely place in the mountains near Sydney. I work full time as an analyst, love ballroom dance, literature, mysteries and puzzles and French. My father went to school in France and was a native speaker but didn’t pass anything on when I was little as he wanted to improve his English. I have a degree in literature and politics and have taught English as a second language overseas to regular students and executives. I am hoping to chat in French and improve. And by the way, although there are many similarities to American English we speak British English in Australia - this app didn’t have an option for that. A Bientot.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語, 韓国語
I'm a beginner in English, so I want to study little by little. I want to be able to have fun conversations and have natural conversations. My hobbies are tennis and golf. I would be so happy if there was someone to enjoy these things with! I can also speak a little Korean. It's good to have Korean friends too. Of course, I'll be happy to teach you Japanese.😊
母国語 :  韓国語
学習言語 :  英語
Hi, I'm Rina. I'm Korean and living in Sydney. I want to improve my English. If you want to learn Korean, I can help you :) Let's exchange languages!
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  韓国語
안녕하세요, 저는 호주에서 태어난 한국인입니다. 내년에 서울가서 일할 개정이 있어서 한국어 좀 연습하고 싶어요, 저이 한국말이 너무 부족해요 ㅋㅋ. 영어는 제가 도와드릴 수 있어요!
母国語 :  日本語, 韓国語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, My name is Jinny I live in Sydney. I am looking for a language exchange partner to improve my English. I'd be happy to help you to practise Korean and Japanese.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  ポルトガル語
Hi, I’m Fiona. I’m half Portuguese and half Spanish; can speak both languages but want to improve my Portuguese; I am conversational but need more practice to speak it with a European Portuguese person. I am English so I can practice that with someone in return.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
I'm Japanese,from and grew up in Osaka. I'd like to improve my English so I want to do some casual conversation if you are in Sydney I'd like to make some friends as well. I like watching movie, going for walk and run and just chilling out. I also play tennis but I'm not good at playing. よろしくお願いします🙏
母国語 :  ネパール語
学習言語 :  英語
こんにちは、 24歳のPratimaと言います。 オーストラリアのシドニーに住んでいます。 英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はネパール語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  スペイン語
Hi. I'm Betsy. I live in Australia and would love to practice my Spanish, in exchange for helping you with your English. I used to speak Spanish well when I was younger, and lived in California, but now, living in Australia, I haven't been able to practice it very much. I enjoy swimming in the ocean, hiking in nature, meditation (I teach buddhist meditation), painting and writing. And I love Mexico and its people. Hola. Me llamo Betsy. Vivo ahora en Australia y quiero practicar mi español y en cambio ayudarte con tu inglés. Cuando era joven, en California , podía hablar bien en español, pero ahora no. Me gusta nadar en el océano, caminar en la naturaleza, enseñar meditación, pintar y escribir. Me encanta México y su gente.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
hello, I want to speak English fluently and now I live in Sydney. I'll stay here for a year. My hobby is watching movie and traveling. Let's be friends!!
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  日本語
Hello, My name is Peter. I'm 29 years old and I live in Sydney, in Australia. I'm currently Studying Japanese beginner course at the moment, looking for native Japanese speaker for practice, who can help me some study and love to meeting up somewhere to have a chat or online as well. I'd be happy to help you to learn English as well. For my hobbies I like Watching anime, Gaming, walking, chilling out and love to talk to people about hobbies as well. I'm a chill guy and happy to makes some friends here. Feel Free talk to me Thank you.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  日本語
Hi everyone. I am from Sydney and I am looking for native Japanese people for language exchange. Looking forward to meeting you. Regards.
学習言語 :  日本語, 韓国語
Hi I'm Chinese living in Sydney for more than 20 years, I would like to learn other language and culture, I like playing golf, reading and bushwalking