
武漢 言語交換

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母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  フランス語, 英語
Hello everyone! I'm Connie, a uni student who's currently learning English and French. I'm looking for long-term language partners! Feel free to ask me any question related to Chinese language or culture!
学習言語 :  中国語 (北京語)
Hello Everyone, I'm Hamza, a Moroccan student living in China (WuHan). Arabic and French are my native languages, and I have been learning English since primary school (more than 17 years of learning English). I recently achieved a basic level of Mandarin Chinese and obtained my HSK3 degree. I am interested in China, Chinese culture, the Chinese language, and making friends from China and around the world. Feel free to contact me here, on Instagram, or on WeChat. I am looking forward to making new friends.^_^ -------------------------- 大家好, 我是Hamza,一位居住在中国(武汉)的摩洛哥学生。阿拉伯语和法语是我的母语,我从小学就开始学英语(已有15多年的英语学习经验)。我最近取得了基础水平的汉语水平测(HSK)三级证书。我对中国、中国文化、汉语以及结交来自中国和世界各地的朋友很感兴趣。随时欢迎通过这里、Instagram或WeChat与我联系。期待结识新朋友。
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語, フランス語
让我们说中文! 中文十级选手,英语专业,爱好法语。
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
hey everyone I'm peng xiao fei and I'm from china. I'm here one this site to find language exchange partners to practice English with,also i can help you with learning chinese. I'm also here to make friends as well. nice to meet you.
学習言語 :  英語
こんにちは、 fanonと言います。 中華人民共和国の武漢に住んでいます。 英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は中国語 (北京語)と中国語 (その他)を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
I want to find a language partner to practice my oral English. At the same time my mother tongue is Chinese if you want to study Chinese I think that I can help you.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
想学习新的语言并交朋友 want to make friendsand help each
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, I am looking for someone to improve my English and in exchange I can help improve your Chinese as I am a native Chinese Speaker. As a collegue student, I can also share with you something about my campus life(maybe boring). I'd like to listen to your troubles and stories as well.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  日本語, 英語
こんにちは、 22歳のsunriseと言います。 中華人民共和国の武漢に住んでいます。 日本語と英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は中国語 (北京語)を教えることも出来ます。
学習言語 :  中国語 (北京語)
My name is Jalal. I am a medical student at Yangtze University in Jingzhou, Hubei Province.My Mother-language is Urdu. I'm Also understand and speak English. Now I want to Learn chinese
学習言語 :  中国語 (北京語)
My name is Jalal. I am a medical student at Yangtze University in Jingzhou, Hubei Province.My Mother-language is Urdu. I'm Also understand and speak English. Now I want to Learn chinese
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  ドイツ語, 英語
Hi everyone! I'm a university student in China and i hope i can improve my spoken English and enlarge my English vocabulary as well. And at the same time I'm also learning German but it's not good currently.🌚 I can help you with Chinese. Hallo! Ich bin Conan und komme aus China.Ich bin jetzt an der Universitaet.Ich moechte mein Englisch und Deutsch verbessern.Ich kann dir bei Chinesisch helfen.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
An aspiring student who needs to take the IELTS exam. I need a language partner who can help me with conversation and communication. I have ample experience in teaching Mandarin. I would be more than happy to share my time with a serious and responsible person. I also speak Russian: ) I love scuba diving.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語, ロシア語, 日本語
Hi beautiful folks, this is Ken. I speak English fluently and have native proficiency in Chinese. Leisure pursuits: travelling, jogging, reading, gaming, learning foreingn languages, animals and, taking nature walks. It'd be delightful to get connected with people of diverse cultural background and walks of life while trading languages for being global-minded and cultivating a better self. Hopefully, I will become authentic and competent in English and be conversant in others on the list. If you think alike or are up for progress in your Chinese studies, don't hesitate to reach out. I look forward to hearing from you soon! :)
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  日本語, 英語
I want to learn English. A boy from China. I want to have a language exchange panter!
こんにちは、 Kallenと言います。 中華人民共和国の武漢に住んでいます。 ドイツ語とスペイン語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は英語と中国語 (北京語)を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  ロシア語, 英語
Chinese college students want to improve English, Korean and Russian, English can be daily communication, I hope to make friends with you, by the way if you are looking for romance, please do not contact me, looking forward to our communication
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
I’m interested in literature, watching films, bands, politics and history (especially 20th century:)) I’m currently applying to a school that has students from more than 80 countries so that’s why i rlly have to practice my English! I’m a kinda bad drummer but love to be friends with electronic guitar players. 🪼free to reach out
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, I'm here to make friends, I want to make foreign friends and know more foreign culture. I am willing to help every friend who studies Chinese to improve your Chinese level. And I can introduce the culture of China. If you have any questions about China, I can answer them for you, so you can know the real China that you can't see from news😆 I prefer to use words to communicate. If you want to know more, contact me. 有沒有臺灣的小夥伴願意跟我說說臺灣的事,小時候去過臺灣旅遊,很好奇現在的臺灣,也希望多交流。
学習言語 :  英語
I want to learn English. A boy from China. I want to have a language exchange panter!