
大阪 言語交換

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母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  ドイツ語, 英語
Hi, I'm Aoi from Japan! I assume my English is intermediate, and German is beginner. I like to watch movies and dramas, please share your recommendations!
母国語 :  日本語
こんにちは、 おたと言います。 日本の大阪に住んでいます。 中国語 (北京語)と韓国語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は日本語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  ベトナム語
学習言語 :  英語, 日本語
はじめまして、 Daisyです。 日本語と英語を勉強しています。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi. I'm Daisy. I'm learning japanese and english. My pleasure to make your acquaintance. I want to chatting with everybody when I have free time. I want to make new friends and to improve My English skill. Please to give a messenger. Thank you.
母国語 :  日本語
Hi. I’m Rin. I’d like to study English please someone teach me English . こんにちは。英語、もしくは、中国語の勉強を一緒して貰える方を探しています。 我想认识跟我一起学习的人,请多指教。
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hi. I would like to communicate in English better. My English level is slightly above beginner, but it's still a casual conversational level. I live in Osaka, Japan. I like watching movies and taking pictures. I would like to connect with native English speakers.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  ロシア語, 英語
初めまして、日本人の女性です I do not speak English at all. But I would like to learn English to serve customers at work. I would like to talk with someone whose native language is English and can speak Japanese. I have a Discord account.
母国語 :  日本語
Hello Im Japanese who is studying some languages especially instrumental sign language and Chinese. :Sign language is beginner (just thinking to start to learn) :Chinese is beginner (can’t speak, just read and know easy word. I wanna practice speaking) :Poland is beginner @like Taiwan, Poland, pancake, wagashi, Japanese rice, movie, reading, jogging, karaoke. I hope I will do that face to face. Let’s exchange languages together!
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello there! I was in Los Angeles for 6 years and then came back to Japan last year. I have experience to stay in Philippines, China, India and U.S. for 16 years in total as an overseas expatriate dispatched from a Japanese company. I would like to refine my English to communicate with people from various countries. I love traveling around the world so I would like to talk about beautiful nature, history and culture in various countries. I also would like to talk about music, arts, books and sports. I would like to speak with person who is fun, curious, easygoing and sincere.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello It’s Yoko from Japan. I’m looking for a language exchange partner.Happy to help your Japanese in return!My hobbies are hiking eating cooking watching traveling and more. よろしくお願いします‼︎
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello. I'm Japanese. I want to study English. My level of English is a beginner who only understands simple words. I would like to be friends with women only. I can teach Japanese. My hobbies are taking photos with an SLR camera and scuba diving. My favorite drama is “Super Natural” I live with two cats.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello. I'm Japanese. I want to study English. My level of English is a beginner who only understands simple words. I would like to be friends with women only. I can teach Japanese. My hobbies are taking photos with an SLR camera and scuba diving. My favorite drama is “Super Natural” I live with two cats.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  日本語
Hi my name is Chris. I am an Australian living in Osaka. I want to improve my Japanese language skills by practising conversation. I can also help you improve your English skills!
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  ドイツ語
2018年から約4年ドイツに住んでいました。半年ほど語学学校に通いB1程度の会話を話せましたが、2022年の夏に帰国し、ドイツ語を使わない生活になったためすっかり忘れてしまいました。会話をしながら、また再び勉強したいと思い登録しました。 対面でもオンラインでもどちらでも大丈夫です。 趣味は韓国ドラマを見ること、読書、料理、茶道、旅行です。 Hello Zusammen.Ich heiße Mitsue.Von 2018 bis ungefähr 2022 war ich in Deutschland.Ich lebe derzeit in Japan/Osaka. Ich habe Deutsche gelernt,aber habe ich jetzt keine Zeit zu sprechen.Und habe ich viel Grammatik Sachen vergessen .Bitte lernen Sie mir Deutsch von Anfang.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは、 Jackと言います。 日本の大阪に住んでいます。 日本語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は中国語 (北京語)を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  日本語
Bonjour! Je m'intéresse la culture d'Afrique. J'aime la musique d’Afrique. Si tu veux parler japonais écris moi! J’ai étudié l’enseignement du japonais. Ciao! Studio italiano da tanto tempo. Mi piacciono i film di Federico Fellini e Akira Kurosawa.Se vuoi parlare giapponese scrivimi! Ho studiato come insegnare il giapponese. Hi! I have been studying English for a long time. I like 80's rock and pops, jazz. If you want to speak Japanese, write me! I studied teaching Japanese.
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語, イタリア語
hi, my name is Inoue Toma. I'm university student, 22 years old, studying English and Italian. My hobby is listening music, watching movie or TV show, doing exercise . I would like to become a Japanese teacher so I'm truly happy to help your Japanese learning :) Feel free to ask any question ! よろしくおねがいします!
母国語 :  日本語
Nice to meet you. I am Japanese who lives in Osaka, Japan. I have been learning English and Chinese by myself. Mainly, I have been learning reading and writing. So, I am not good at hearing and speaking. About a topic of language exchange, I have been taking a photo by smartphone. I have been contributing photos to 500px and poco摄影. My user name is 'nato takanami'. Here, I would like to look for a partner to learn reading and writing by using e-mail. Kind regards! 初次见面。我是住在大阪的日本人。我正在一个人学习英文和中文。正在学习读写中文和英文。 我很难听懂英语和汉语。会話也很难。 关于言語交換的话题,我正在用手机拍摄照片。正在向500px和poco摄影投稿照片。我的用户名是nato takanami。我想找到言語交換的伙伴,学习读写中文和英文。请多多关照。 はじめまして。私は日本の大阪で生活する日本人です。私は英語と中国語を一人で学んでいます。主に、読む事と書く事を勉強しています。聴き取りと会話は、得意ではありません。言語交換の話題になればと思い、スマートフォンを利用して写真を撮影しています。500pxとpoco摄影に写真を投稿しています。ユーザー名は、nato takanamiです。こちらでは、メールを利用して読み書きをするためのパートナーを探したいです。よろしくお願いします!
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
HI! I`m Japanese woman, living in Osaka Japan. I`m really interested in foreign culture and people! That`s why I want to study English!
母国語 :  日本語
Hello, my name is Udon. My native language is Japanese, but I am interested in English because my mother used to work in the US. Also, I have recently been learning English at work and would like to have a chat conversation using English. Hello, my name is Udon. My native language is Japanese, but I am interested in English because my mother used to work in the US. I am also interested in Spanish and Korean thanks to my friends. I hope to be able to speak Spanish someday. I've recently become a fan of Latin pop, If you know of any good songs, please let me know! And... I play games on my PC. I love FPS, Minecraft, everything! Come chat or call and play with me. よろしくお願いします~♪
母国語 :  日本語
Hi! I'm Mitchie I'm a Japanese man studying English, Spanish, Indonesian, Chinese and Myanmar Lao. I want to make lots of friends all over the world here! So feel free to send me a direct message!