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Even if you do not speak Japanese, feel free to message me if you are learning English!
Hello! I'm Vito and I'm a student. I speak English natively, and enjoy swimming and video games. I have also started weight training and boxing recently.
After I graduate, I want to come to Japan and work as an lawyer.
I also want to cook more foreign food. Please share your recipes with me!
I hope we can help each other learn!
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Nice to meet you. I'm Clyde. I'm ethnically Korean, but I moved to Canada when I was young, so you could say I feel more comfortable with English.
Just to share a bit about myself, I took Japanese classes in high school and university as an elective course. I also used to go to Korean school to learn Korean in high school. I worked in Japan as an English teacher for a couple of years. It was such a good life experience because I was able to make good friends and meet good students during my stay.
Learning a new language is a good way to bond with new people So, I hope to talk with someone to chat with.
単刀直入, 何年間仕事で日本で住んだ経験があります。その時日本語の勉強も頑張ってたんです。元々韓国で生まれて子供の時カナダに移民してそこで人生の大体を過ごしました。現在は韓国で仕事が決まって韓国で一週間前位到着しました。
영어에 관심이나 실력을 향상 시키시고 싶은 분은 제가 열심히 도와드릴 자신이 있으니 꼭 연락주세요! 친구관계적으로 도와드릴 수 있었으면 합니다. 가끔 한국말이 어눌할때가 있으니 꼭 도와주실 부담은 가지셔도되지 않지만 잡아주시면 감사하겠습니다!
I look forward to hearing from you!
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こんにちは!私は日本語を勉強している高校生です。 日本語を練習したくて、だれかが英語を勉強するのを 手伝いたいです。ピアノを弾いたり、絵を描いたり、 本とマンガを読んだり、アニメを見たり、歌を歌った りするのが好きです。よろしくお願いします!
Hello! I'm an American high schooler learning Japanese. I'd like to practice Japanese, and help someone with their English if I can. I'm interested in music (specifically piano), anime, drawing, reading, and singing. I'd love to make new friends!
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あなたもゲーマーなら、一緒に遊んでみたいです。私は現在、Apex Legends、FFXIV、Fall Guysをプレイしているほか、Steamライブラリで利用できる他のゲームをすべて持っています。
Nice to meet you!
My name is Owen and I am a England native living in America.
I'm a beginner at Japanese but looking to learn as much as possible with a friend and hopefully hold speaking conversations as soon as possible. I can assist you with any English you'd like to learn (pronunciation/grammar or anything else). I enjoy playing video games, anime, and am a animal lover (I have two ねこ that live with me and have owned all sorts of animals in the past!)
If you are a gamer as well I would love to play with you. I currently play Apex Legends, FFXIV and Fall Guys as well having as a whole load of other games available in my steam library.
Also feel free to add me on Discord or Line!
学習言語 : |
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Hi, I am Ian and I'm interested in learning Japanese. I started shortly before New Years 2024 and I've been learning everyday since then. My hobbies are a bit nerdy. I program (Also as a job), play video games and watch anime. I also want to get into making music although that needs to wait a bit since taking another hobby might take too much time. I am a native Swiss person so the language I can offer is standard German. Swiss German should also be possible if you are interested. I also use English as much as German so that is a language I can offer too.
I'd love to be your friend!
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Hi, my name is Walt and I live in the suburbs of Minneapolis, USA.
初めまして。アメリカのミネアポリス 郊外に住んでいるウォルトと申します。よろしくお願 いいたします。
I used to be an English teacher so I can explain some English grammar by comparing it to Japanese one.
I have a variety of interests which include arts, politics, history, travel, geography, singing karaoke and the list goes on and on. I like jogging, swimming and going to the gym. I enjoy the company of easy-going and fun people and can share a conversation about practically any topic. I hope we'll also become good friends!
I am only interested in language exchange with Japanese native speakers, and we could do it either in person (in the Minneapolis area and also as far away as Chicago, IL or Des Moines, IA areas) or on Skype, Line etc.
My main goal is to improve my Japanese language skills to the point where I can easily get a job in the US that requires Japanese, so it would be most helpful if I could interact with Japanese language partners who could help me find such a job.
Last year I went to Japan where I spent 4 weeks to practice my Japanese and now I feel like I significantly improved my Japanese language skills, both spoken and written and, to make them even better, I'd like to find a partner who is as passionate about learning English as I am about learning Japanese!