
ハンガリー語 言語交換

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学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは、クマです。東京で日本人の妻と一緒に住んでいますが、妻が日本語を教えてくれているとはいえ、私の日本語はまだ基礎レベルです。だから、直接会って、お互いの言語能力を向上させることができる言語交換のパートナーを探しています:-)。英語とハンガリー語を練習言語として提供できます。 英語は母国語ではありませんが、北米に13年間住んでいたので、英語はかなり流暢です。ですから、あなたの語学力を向上させるお手伝いができると確信しています。 お酒は飲まず、タバコも吸いませんが、クラシック音楽、本、ブラジリアン柔術のトレーニングが大好きです。お気軽にご連絡ください。) PS. プロフィール写真のない方からのメッセージにはお答えできません。 Hello I’m Kuma. I live in Tokyo with my Japanese wife, and even though she has been teaching me, my Japanese is still rather at a basic level. So I am looking for a language exchange partner, who I could meet in person and help each other improve our language skills :-). I can offer you English and Hungarian as practice languages. English is not my native language, but I lived in North-America for 13 years, therefore my English is pretty fluent. So I am very positive that I can help you to improve your language abilities. I don't drink alcohol, and don't smoke, but love classical music, books, and training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Please feel free to contact me :-). PS. I do not answer messages from people without profile picture
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  日本語, 英語
こんにちは、 Lászlóと言います。 ハンガリーのブダペストに住んでいます。 日本語と英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はハンガリー語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは、 Kriszと言います。 ハンガリーのブダペストに住んでいます。 日本語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はハンガリー語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
Hello! I am from Hungary and live in Budapest. The reason why I am here is that I would like to improve my English, especially speaking skills.
学習言語 :  日本語
My name is Brian and I am looking to practice Japanese with native speakers. I currently work as a researcher, but I am hoping to get into medicine soon. I can speak English and Hungarian fluently. I love to play volleyball, play guitar and I want to learn to cook! 今まで6年ぐらい日本語を学びました。会話を練習したいです。よろしくお願いします!
学習言語 :  中国語 (北京語)
你好。 我叫珂丝地。 我住在西班牙。我的专业是中文但很久没有练习了。 我想提高我的语言水平。 我可以教你意大利语或者西班牙语。
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  英語
I would like to improve my english skills, can help with hungarian in return.
学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは、 28歳のAegonと言います。 オーストラリアに住んでいます。 日本語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は英語とハンガリー語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  スペイン語, 英語
I am Szilvi from Hungary. I am an English teacher, so I am happy to practice English, Hungarian with anyone who is interested. My aim also here is to practice and learn Spanish, I have studied it for some months, but I am still beginner. I love learning languages and getting to know new culture and making friends from all over the world.
学習言語 :  スペイン語
Happy person, I would like to practice my Spanish. I can speak English if you just want to talk. I enjoy listening :) topic of mine: Life, Food, Romanticism, Economy, Happiness, Philosophy, Sport and much more. I live in Budapest. I love Spanish music and dance: Bachata, Reggaeton, Merengue, Salsa.
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  スペイン語, 英語
I am Szilvi from Hungary. I am an English teacher, so I am happy to practice English, Hungarian with anyone who is interested. My aim also here is to practice and learn Spanish, I have studied it for some months, but I am still beginner. I love learning languages and getting to know new culture and making friends from all over the world.
学習言語 :  スペイン語
Happy person, I would like to practice my Spanish. I can speak English if you just want to talk. I enjoy listening :) topic of mine: Life, Food, Romanticism, Economy, Happiness, Philosophy, Sport and much more. I live in Budapest. I love Spanish music and dance: Bachata, Reggaeton, Merengue, Salsa.
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  ドイツ語, 英語
Hii my name is Bogi, i am from Hungary and I am here, to practice my speaking skills in German and English. I am also interested in the Korean language but i don't speak it at all. And i'm also looking for meeting new people and make friendships. I love nature, hiking, being active. And if you are interested in the hungarian language or culture i can help with that. But if you just want to practice english or german we can practice it together.😊 (I'm not here for romance)
Hello All, I'm a Hungarian-English Translator&Interpreter and I would like to study Polish (I’m beginner), Italian and practice my Spanish. I can help you with Hungarian and English in exchange for these languages. :) Please feel free to message me. :)
学習言語 :  ポルトガル語
Olá! Sou Sandy. Gostaria de reforçar meus conhecimentos de português, praticar a conversação e ensinar espanhol da Espanha ou da América Latina em troca. Sou professora de espanhol por profissão. Hola. Soy Sandy. Quisiera reforzar mis conocimientos de portugués y practicar el habla y enseñarte español de España o Latinoamérica a cambio. Soy profesora de español de profesión.
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  英語, 韓国語
Hi, My name is Cyntia. I live in Komárom. I am a native Hungarian. I want to improve my English to a more advanced level and I interested in Korean and culture. I love animals, nature and the art. I like drawing,painting,cooking, reading, sewing, watching movies and listening to music in my freetime. I graduated in High School of Art. My profession is interior designer. I will study kynesiology in October. If you want to improve your knowledge of Hungarian or just interested in it, I can help You, so If You want it, do not hesitate to write me a message. :)
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
Hi! Nice to meet you here. I want to practice Slovene and Russian as well. I also study Korean language. Have a nice day
学習言語 :  英語
I'm a teacher. I've been living in Berlin for 15 years. I decided to learn English a few years ago. I understand not too much, it would be really nice to learn English by conversation. You can chat to me Hungarian and German.
学習言語 :  韓国語
Greetings! I'm an enthusiast of Asian cultures and languages. Originally was majoring in French and Japanese in university. Nowadays I work as a translator. Translating from Hungarian to English or currently, from Chinese to Hungarian... I would like to learn Korean and I'm looking for a Korean language exchange partner. You dont have to teach me grammar or vocab, I just want to learn the language through casual and relaxed conversation :) My hobbies: I like sports, firejuggling, calligraphy, pyrography (낙화술), snowboarding, ice skating, reading books, League of Legends and Korean MMORPGS like Blade and Soul, Archeage or Lost Ark ;) If you are interested, feel free to send me a message! I wont bite :D
母国語 :  ハンガリー語
学習言語 :  イタリア語
Ciao. Io sono Veronika,abito a Budapest. Studio l’italiano da uno anno,sono al livello A2 e vorrei praticare. In cambio so aiutarti con ungherese o slovacco😊🦋Grazie