
中国語 (北京語) 言語交換

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  3. 🇨🇳 中国語 (北京語)


I am Nisa. I am an independent researcher and an educator. I am currently practicing Asian languages and European languages. My hobbies are writing, reading, and watching movies. I like to socialize and innovate. I would like to meet someone new for short term and long term language exchange.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  ドイツ語, 英語, 日本語
こんにちは、 25歳のannieと言います。 中華人民共和国の広州に住んでいます。 ドイツ語と英語と日本語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は中国語 (北京語)を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  日本語, 英語
Nihao!Greetings from Shanghai. I’m looking for a dedicated language exchange partner who is serious about learning. I’m currently practicing English and Japanese, and in return, I’d be happy to help you improve your Mandarin!😀 Looking forward to connecting and learning together! 我理想的练习频次是每周2-3次,每次30分钟左右。你呢?
こんにちは、 Danielと言います。 中華人民共和国の広州に住んでいます。 英語と日本語とベトナム語とロシア語とウクライナ語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は中国語 (広東語)と中国語 (北京語)を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
Hi, I'm Max, I'm a chef. I'm speaking Chinese (Mandarin). I like swimming and walking . I want to improve my English.
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, 【你好】 My name is Icey and I live in Canada. 【我叫 Icey,住在加拿大。】 I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. 【 traditional Chinese characters:我正在尋找語言交換夥伴來學習英語。】 【Simplified Chinese characters: 我正在寻找语言交换伙伴来学习英语。】 I'd be happy to help you to learn Chinese (Cantonese) and Chinese (Mandarin) in exchange. 【 traditional Chinese characters:我很樂意幫助您學習中文(粵語)和中文(普通話)作為交換。】 【simplified Chinese characters: 我很乐意帮助您学习中文(粤语)和中文(普通话)作为交换。 】 My Mandarin is at the national professional level, with a very standard pronunciation. My dear language exchange partner, I hope your English is your native language and your pronunciation is clear. I'm from Hong Kong and live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada now. I used to be a Chinese teacher and holding a professional certificate in Mandarin teaching. I have obtained a certificate of Level 1-B in Mandarin Proficiency Test issued by the National Language Committee. I have experiences teaching Mandarin. My major in univer sity was Chinese, focusing on Chinese language, literature, and culture. I'm also an amateur writer and have published some novellas and essays, as well as have won a few awards. I enjoy writing, cooking, music, sports, and traveling etc. I enjoy making friends with people from all around the world. If you are interested in Chinese language, Chinese food, Chinese culture, Chinese history, and want to travel to China, study, make money etc., please contact me. It's never too old to learn. Let's learn from each other and grow together.
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
so excited to be here again,it disappeared for a few years? i still remember we can speak or text here directly!i was a student that time,i learnt a lot from friends here ,and they encouraged me to work harder for a better future,full of aspirations ,now i've been working for almost ten years in bank, i'm not as youg as 10 years ago when i was in university,but i still feel glad to be here. we can talk about anything in any language,maybe you're from south or west or east area in china ,maybe you're from other countries,you teach me something i've never seen,i share something you may be interested in,or you just wanna spare your free time,come on friends!
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, I'm Fei Lai, a Chinese native speaker. I'm interested in practicing my oral English regularly, either online or face-to-face. In exchange, I can offer Chinese language tutoring as I am proficient in teaching it. Please feel free to contact me if you're interested in a language exchange. Thank you!
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
学習言語 :  英語
Hiii. I'm Shijia Song, from Beijing. I'm doing MA art and politics. Really interested in watching movies and shows. Now wanna practice my English!!! If you want to improve or learn Mandarin Chinese, you can DM me on my IG @shijiasong
母国語 :  中国語 (北京語)
Hola, soy de china, estoy aprendiendo español, podrías enseñarme este idioma? Puedo enseñarte chino. I'm also learning German, but very can talk to me in English as well. 我生活在北京,我可以教你学习中文,我想学习西班牙语和德语,你也可以用英语和我联系。