
広島 言語交換

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母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello! My name is Machiko and I live in a town near from the Hiroshima city. はじめまして! I'm studying English conversation by myself now. If you are looking for a language exchange partner, why don't we try it? My English is intermediate and I want to have a chance to speak English to brush up it. I'm into music, books, movies, arts, travel, foods, and many other things. I'm looking forward to hear from you :)
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
hello.I'm japanese student in hiroshima. I want to study english because i can't speak fluent english. if you can teach me english and you want study japanese, please sent me message
母国語 :  日本語
Hello. I just get started to learn Chinese, and I would like to improve my English skills. I can teach you Japanese. I'm interested in art, travel, cycling. How about you?
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
I would like to improve my speaking skills. I don't know many vocabularies used by many native speakers in daily life and under various circumstances. I want to know more natural expressions. I also want to speak English more correctly and fluently. I don't have a lot of opportunities to interact with many people trying to learn English or native speakers. Using this website, I would like to improve my speaking skills more and more. For me, I can teach Japanese.Thank you for reading.
母国語 :  モンゴル語
学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは、 Orosooと言います。 日本の広島に住んでいます。 日本語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はモンゴル語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
こんにちは、 AKiko Ozakiと言います。 日本の広島に住んでいます。 英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は日本語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  日本語
Hi I am Japanese and I live in Japan. I need to speak English for my work so I am looking for someone helps my English. Ofcourse I would like to help you to learn Japanese☺️xoxo
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, I’m Shuichi Yoshioka. I am a medical student now and will work as a doctor from next year. I myself studied English from junior high school to high school, but I haven't studied English much since I entered university. I think I have enough English ability to pass the medical college, but I am not good at actually speaking in English. However, I really want to get along with foreigners through studying English! That is the main reason why I started this site. So, I would like to actively make video calls and actually meet and talk! Thank you! こんにちは、吉岡修一です。今は医学部の学生で、来年から医師として働きます。このサイトは友人から教えてもらい、登録しました。僕自身、中学校から高校生までは英語の勉強をしていましたが、大学に入ってからは英語をあまり勉強していません。医大に合格する程度の英語力はあるつもりですが、実際に英語で会話するのは苦手です。ですが、英語の勉強を通じて、実際に外国の方と仲良くなりたいです!それがこのサイトを始めた大きな理由です。なので、積極的にビデオ通話をしたり、実際に会って話してみたいです!よろしくお願いします!
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hi. I'm a Japanese dork who study English and love foreign culture. My dream is to be a nurse in Australia. let's talk! My mother tongue is Japanese, so I can teach you some Japanese. Yoroshikuonegaishimasu! Like: PC games, watching movies and TV series(Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, Dragon prince, Tales of Arcadia etc), studying English, Medic, foreign countries, etc
母国語 :  日本語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello. My name is Mana and I'm from Hiroshima, Japan. I want friends who studies for TOEFL, English or Japanese. I would like to study English. If you study Japanese, I can teach Japanese :) Some of mu hobbies are drinking, watching movie online, doing art, listening music, doing karaoke etc. My favorites are Ajillo, Sushi, meat, Sonic and Transformers etc. :) I can talk with you here, or some social media (LINE, whatsapp, Skype) Also, I want to create Whatsapp, Skype or LINE groups for language exchange. If you are interested in it, send me a message :)