
イギリス 言語交換

  1. 言語交換
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  3. 🇬🇧 イギリス


母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  中国語 (北京語)
Hi, I'm Belinda and I'm learning Mandarin and have studied up to HSK2 and HSK3. I mostly self study so my speaking/listening needs improvement. I would like to improve my reading and one day learn to write. I really enjoy studying Mandarin and learning about the interesting culture and history of the Chinese people of all ethnicities. I hope to get some help to improve my skills and make friends in the way. I also hope I can help others feel more confident speaking English.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  日本語
こんにちは!メーガンです。三十歳で大学生です。日本語会話の相手を探しています。一緒に言語を学びませんか。友達になろう! Hello! I'm Megan. I'm thirty years old and a university student. I'm looking for a Japanese conversation partner. Would you like to learn a language together? Let's be friends!
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  スペイン語
¡Hola! My name is Emily and I live in London. I am a native English speaker looking to meet up with a speaking partner to learn Spanish and help someone learn English. I did Spanish at school to an intermediate level but have dropped off since then. Let me know if you’d be up for meeting!
学習言語 :  フランス語, 英語
I'm Simon. Feel free to contact me and ask me what you're curious about Cantonese and Mandarin. I can have video learning with you. I am also looking for a French-learning buddy to help me or learn French together.
Hi, This is a Greek Nationality Civil Engineer, graduated from an Italian University and currently working in London-UK. I like to learn about other cultures, speak other languages and meet new people. I speak Greek like mother tongue, fluent in Italian and very good English. I wish to learn more about Spanish, French, Indonesian, Chinese and Arabic...In return I could help you with Greek, Italian or English language. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  ドイツ語
I am learning German as a hobbby and to travel also, possibly to go to university as well. I'd also like to get to the point where I could read something by Kafka or learn more about German history. I'd be happy to help with your English at the same time. I speak with a Northern Irish accent, so if you would like to sound like Liam Neeson whilst speaking English please get in touch. Ich lerne Deutsch als Hobby und für den Urlaub und gehe vielleicht zur Universität in Deutschland. Ich möchte ein Buch von Kafka auf Deutsch lesen und deutsche Geschichte lernen. Mir wurde mit Ihrem Englisch geholfen, ich spreche mit einem nordirischen Akzent, ob Sie sprechen wie Liam Neeson, Kontakt.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  ポーランド語
I am a 58-year-old lady. I am doing a BH honours in Creative Writing. I want to practice my Polish language, I am not very good which is quite sad because my husband is Polish. I know quite a few Polish words but cannot string sentences together. It would be good and more helpful to find a friend to exchange languages with preferably another lady but I am OK with men also. I do have a TEFL certificate and also taught some English on a professional basis. I am interested in many things, cooking, music, films, books and theatre.
学習言語 :  フランス語
Hello, I am Gurpreet. Currently ,I am learning French language (Intermediate). I am looking for some native French person with whom I can practice speaking French. I am a native English Language speaker. I like listening to Music, Cooking , Painting.
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  フランス語
Hello, my name is Susan and I seek a French language exchange partner. My native language is English. I have A2 French and I would really like to build upon this I am not an English teacher, but I can help you with English as well :-) Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp etc - whatever is easier!
母国語 :  英語
学習言語 :  イタリア語
Hi! I’m Jen and I’m a speech and language therapist and a storytelling. I have an interest in the arts: theatre, cinema, dance, cuisines, novels. Currently on maternity leave and keen to improve my Italian. Just looking for pen pals for now rather than live chat. Working to build my language confidence!