
リガ 言語交換

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学習言語 :  フランス語
Hi! My name is Claudia, I just recently moved to Riga. I will start studying Latvian and Russian soon, but I won't be able to speak them in quite a while. On the meantime, I would like to get to know people and would be nice to practice my French in exchange of Spanish or Catalan. I'm very fluent in English and quite good at grammar, so although I'm not a native, I could even help you with your English :)
学習言語 :  ラトビア語
English upper intemediate. I came to Riga and would like to learn Latvian.
学習言語 :  英語
こんにちは、 Tanjaと言います。 ラトビアのリガに住んでいます。 英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はラトビア語とロシア語を教えることも出来ます。
母国語 :  ロシア語
My name is Julia. Russian is my native language, but I'm also fluent in English and Spanish which I would love to practice more frequently, along with French and Japanese which I'm currently studying. I'm looking for native speakers of these languages who live in Riga, so that we could meet in person (maybe in groups) and practice languages, I would be more than happy to help you with your Russian and just share the diversities of our cultures and make friends. Please contact me even if you don't live in Riga, we can still communicate via this website or email :)
母国語 :  ロシア語
学習言語 :  英語
こんにちは、 Tatjanaと言います。 ラトビアのリガに住んでいます。 英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はロシア語を教えることも出来ます。
学習言語 :  英語, イタリア語
Hello, my name is Terēze, I'm a student here in Riga and I love science, history, literature, languages and linguistics, and all the things in between. If you can name a subject, there's probably a big chance that I'm curious about that as well :D I'm looking for language exchanges and interesting conversations, please, keep anything, khem, else out of my messages. Thank you. Я говорю на русском и всегда рада помочь другим изучать этот язык или просто пообщаться на нём. Но, так как я не люблю врать другим, сразу могу признать, что это не совсем мой родной язык, хотя знаю я его почти так же хорошо. Просто с системой поисковика здесь легче указать его как родной. Il mio obbiettivo più grande ora è imparare l'italiano, quindi, sarò felice per ogni possibilità di praticare. Ovviamente, il mio grande sogno è incontrare qualcuno con cui posso parlare italiano qua, a Riga, ma capisco che non è molto probabile, perciò sarò contenta di tutto :D A presto!
学習言語 :  英語
Hi. I am 27, an economist by education, and an analyst accountant by profession. My hobbies are tennis, drawing, books, travelling, meet new people. I am open minded, like to discuss everything except politics. Open for new challenges. I am searching English native speaker. My native language is Russian, also I know Latvian in good level.
母国語 :  ドイツ語, 英語
Hello everyone, I am 23 year old medical student in Riga. I was born and raised in Germany and looking for friends to practice my Latvian and Spanish skills. I am into traveling, culture, history, music and cinema. I can help you with German or English in exchange for some Latvian/Spanish help via Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts:)
母国語 :  英語, ラトビア語
学習言語 :  スウェーデン語
im a medical doctor. interested in sports, music, book reading, little bit of crypto as well! hah. I speak latvian, english and russian. acquiring swedish.
学習言語 :  英語
I would like to improve my English speaking abilities and help others with their Latvian and Russian in exchange