
モンテリア 言語交換

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母国語 :  スペイン語
学習言語 :  英語
Hello, I'm Yanedith. I'm from Maracaibo but I raised in Caracas, capital of Venezuela. Therefore, I have a mixed of accents, however, main accent is from Caracas. My native language is Spanish. I read a lot, I always have a book in my hand or phone. My Spanish ability is high, and as well I know slang vocabulary from Colombia and Venezuela. I'm learning English and my current level is a basic-pre intermediate and I stuck in that level and I have many holes in my bases, so I want to fill it because I need to get a better job and can speak with English speakers and maybe the next year visites to U K. Finally, I can help with your Spanish skills and I have knowledge about different accents (Colombia, Venezuela and España). So, we can do a video call to know if we are good language buddies and after make a schedule about our target language for improving together. I apologise for mistakes. :)
母国語 :  スペイン語
学習言語 :  英語
Hi buddies, I am PhD student, my program is entirely in English, therefore I need to practice a lot, since in the next year, I must to defend my thesis, but in Colombia english course are quite expensive, in addition few people speak English properly. I am easy going, so would be great to share with new people on any issues. Cheers; Edwin
母国語 :  スペイン語
学習言語 :  英語
こんにちは、 24歳のMoisesと言います。 コロンビアのモンテリアに住んでいます。 英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はスペイン語を教えることも出来ます。