


お名前 Rowena
都市 ジュネーヴ
母国 US アメリカ
現在の国 CH スイス
年齢 58
性別 女性
母国語 EN 英語
TL フィリピン語 (タガログ語)
学習言語 FR フランス語



My name is Rowena and I am eager to practice speaking French!
I have two sons and they speak French but sadly, they are not comfortable to practice with me. I guess that's how it is since they grew up understanding me but when I try to speak French, they don't :(
So I have to find other ways to learn. I think that with constant practice I can finally be more fluent and hopefully fill the gaps in my vocabulary.
I am originally from the Philippines and I moved to NYC in my twenties and started a family there. We now live in Geneva and the boys are in the Swiss school system so they quickly picked up the language.
Je fais du sport, je joue au tennis et je pratique le Crossfit. J'aime cuisiner et fais du pain aussi.
I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys in English and French. I'm sure it'll be a challenge and super fun.
à bientôt!


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