


お名前 Tiare
都市 バージニア・ビーチ
母国 AS アメリカ領サモア
現在の国 US アメリカ
年齢 34
性別 女性
母国語 EN 英語
SM サモア語
学習言語 KO 韓国語



Hello. I am a current student for nursing. I am hoping to find work in Korea when I get my license. I love the culture and the people and would love to communicate that with the people around me when I move there.

My languages are English and Samoan. I love to read, dance, sing, watch movies and videos as well as make some vlogs that never have and probably never will see the light of day lol

I was born in 89, but I welcome all ages and genders. I need all the help I can get.

잘 부탁드립니다.


お名前 Tiare
都市 バージニア・ビーチ
現在の国 US アメリカ
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!