Hello, my name is Laura. I'm half Czech and half German, so both languages are my native languages and I can teach them to you if you're interested!
I can also speak English fluently due to watching a lot of English/American TV shows as a teenager as well as playing video games in English. :D I am now at the point where I'm watching and reading more stuff in English than in my native languages. I have no issues holding a conversation in English, which I do at times since I talk to some international friends in English. My only issues are my accent and that I sometimes forget words or mess up grammar rules slightly, so I always look to improve. :) But feel confident teaching English to beginners and intermediate speakers.
I am currently trying to learn Japanese since I am interested in Japanese culture and media. I would like to listen to Japanese songs, read manga and watch anime and understand what's being said, but I'm still a complete beginner. I only know a few basic grammar rules, words and phrases. I would appreciate to exchange languages with a native Japanese person to get better. :)
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Hallo! Ich bin Yuu. Schön dich kennenzulernen!
Ich komme aus Österreich und lebe und studiere derzeit in Osaka. Früher war ich Deutschlehrerin.
Ich verbringe meine Zeit mit Anime, Manga und Videospielen und so, da ich keine Freunde in Osaka habe. (Ganz besonders mag ich Detektiv Conan und Ace Attorney.)
Aber wenn ich Freunde hätte, würde ich lieber spazieren gehen oder in ein Café gehen oder so.
Ich bin nicht sehr zuversichtlich was Japanisch Sprechen betrifft, aber wenn möglich würde ich gerne im Juli den JLPTN2 versuchen.
Auf gute Zusammenarbeit!
Lasst uns zusammen unser Bestes geben!
Hey! I'm Yuu. Nice to meet you!
I'm an austrian exchange student, living in Osaka.
I used to work as a German teacher.
I spend most of my free time with Anime, Manga and video games, because I don't have any friends in Osaka. (I love Case Closed and Ace Attorney.)
But if I had friends, I'd rather go for a walk with them or to a café.
I'm not very confident in my Japanese speaking skills, but if possible, I'd like to try to take the JLPTN2 in July.
Thanks in advance!
Let's give our best together!
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Hi, I am Nik living near munich.
I am looking for an language exchange partner for japanese. My idea would be to exchange messages reguarly and if that works and if you want to, we can try to talk too.
If you want to learn german I can help you with that of course.
Ich freue mich, deine Bekanntschaft zu machen.
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Hi, I am Ian and I'm interested in learning Japanese. I started shortly before New Years 2024 and I've been learning everyday since then. My hobbies are a bit nerdy. I program (Also as a job), play video games and watch anime. I also want to get into making music although that needs to wait a bit since taking another hobby might take too much time. I am a native Swiss person so the language I can offer is standard German. Swiss German should also be possible if you are interested. I also use English as much as German so that is a language I can offer too.
I'd love to be your friend!
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Hej, jag pratar Svenska men behöver mer praktik. Om du pluggar Tyska så kunde vi prata på Tyska och Svenska för att förbättra våra ordförråd / konverstions kunskaper. Jag bor i Berlin, men det går också bra att prata över nätet.
你對語言交換有興趣嗎? 我有興趣學習中文.
Я ищу языкового партнера, который хотел бы выучить английский или немецкий язык, мы можем обсудить любые темы
Estou procurando um parceiro de idiomas que gostaria de aprender inglês ou alemão, podemos discutir todos os tópicos diferentes
Estoy buscando un compañero de idiomas al que le gustaría aprender inglés o alemán, podemos discutir todos los temas diferentes.
Sto cercando un partner linguistico che vorrebbe imparare l'inglese o il tedesco, possiamo discutere di tutti i diversi argomenti.
Je cherche un partenaire linguistique qui aimerait apprendre l'anglais ou l'allemand, nous pouvons discuter de tous les sujets différents.
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I’m Mary. I would like to improve my English and would be very happy to have a conversation with a native speaker. I would also like to help you with German in exchange. It would be great if we could have a conversation once a week in order to improve each other's language skills.
Hello everyone!
I am Sandro from Austria.
My mother tongue might be German, but I would consider myself as fluent in English as well. I myself am learning Japanese right now, and I would like to chat more in Japanese, which would be the main reason I am here right now.
I am currently studying plant sciences at the university of Graz, so I am very interested in nature, but I also like many other things, like games, music or manga.
I am also very interested in local dialects, if you want to talk about your own way of talking.
It's nice to meet you!
We can also use LINE or WhatsApp to communicate, so just ask!
I have a girlfriend, so I am NOT looking for romance!
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I’m Mary. I would like to improve my English and would be very happy to have a conversation with a native speaker. I would also like to help you with German in exchange. It would be great if we could have a conversation once a week in order to improve each other's language skills.
Hello everyone!
I am Sandro from Austria.
My mother tongue might be German, but I would consider myself as fluent in English as well. I myself am learning Japanese right now, and I would like to chat more in Japanese, which would be the main reason I am here right now.
I am currently studying plant sciences at the university of Graz, so I am very interested in nature, but I also like many other things, like games, music or manga.
I am also very interested in local dialects, if you want to talk about your own way of talking.
It's nice to meet you!
We can also use LINE or WhatsApp to communicate, so just ask!
I have a girlfriend, so I am NOT looking for romance!
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vielen Dank, dass Sie mein Profil gefunden haben.
Wie wenig überraschend bin ich auf der Suche nach einem Sprachpartner für Japanisch. Gerne kann ich Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Deutsch oder Englisch zu verbessern. Mein Englisch ist relativ gut, da ich auf Englisch arbeite. Deutsch ist natürlich meine Muttersprache.
Meine Hobbys sind Videospiele aller Art. Außerdem gehe ich gerne in die Natur, z. B. Wandern durch den Wald.
Über eine Nachricht würde ich mich sehr freuen. Schreiben Sie bitte, falls Sie sich persönlich austauschen möchten.
Viele Grüße
Hello everyone!
My name is Lina. I was born in Germany, spent my early childhood in China, and returned to Germany at the age of nine, where I’ve been living ever since. Although Chinese is my native language which I can speak fluently, I have to admit that my German has become even stronger. It's almost like a second native language to me.
I’m eager to improve my English (currently at a B1/B2 level) and French (A2 level) and would love to find language exchange partners to help me. In return, I can assist you with learning German or Chinese.
I enjoy playing the piano, staying active by playing tennis and badminton, and I have a passion for baking and travelling. I’m excited to find someone who is as motivated as I am to learn languages and build a great language exchange partnership. If you’re interested in learning together and having interesting conversations, feel free to reach out!
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¡Hola a todos!
Mi nombre es Dietmar y soy de Alemania. Me gustaría escribir con las amables personas de España e Hispanoamérica. Estoy aprendiendo el español de manera autodidacta. Me encantaría conocer a alguien con quien pueda escribir en español. Si quieres, te voy a ayudar aprender el alemán o solo podríamos charlar un poco.
Seguro debe ser muy divertido escribir sobre varias cosas para conocer otra cultura.
Si quieres,¡escríbeme!, aunque no estés buscando ayuda en practicar alemán. Me alegraría mucho si me enviaras un mensaje. Saludos y, ojalá, hasta pronto. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I want to make friends from all over the world, so feel free to write in English if you like! Hope to see you soon ! 🌎🌍🌏
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Hi, I am Lutz living in Germany and in search of Japanese people who want to learn German and help me in my ambitions to learn Japanese. I have been 12 times in Japan and seen almost all of the country. My dream is to live there for some time.
Hallo ich bin Lutz, ich lebe in Deutschland und bin auf der Suche nach Tandem Partnern um mein Japanisch zu verbessern und anderen zu helfen Deutsch zu lernen. Ich war 12 Mal in Japan und habe fast das gesamte Land bereist. Mein Traum wäre es eine Weile dort zu leben.