
ウルドゥー語 言語交換

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こんにちは、 23歳のsalehaと言います。 アメリカに住んでいます。 タミル語とスペイン語と日本語とスワヒリ語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は英語とパンジャーブ語とウルドゥー語を教えることも出来ます。
こんにちは、 19歳のUzairと言います。 パキスタンに住んでいます。 アラビア語とドイツ語と英語とスペイン語とイタリア語とロシア語と中国語 (広東語)とフランス語と日本語と韓国語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私は英語とパシュトー語とウルドゥー語を教えることも出来ます。
学習言語 :  英語
Here to socialize with the people and to know about there culture.
I am Farhan and I am a native hindi speaker. My English level is C1 and I also speak some Romanian. I am interested in learning German, Italian, Russian and French. I am looking for a language exchange partner with whom I can practice English. I would love to help you with English or Hindi. Feel free to contact me.
I am here with the intention of acquiring and practicing various languages.
母国語 :  ウルドゥー語
こんにちは、 25歳のHamzaと言います。 パキスタンに住んでいます。 ロシア語と中国語 (その他)と英語を話せる方と言語交換をしたいです。 私はウルドゥー語を教えることも出来ます。
学習言語 :  ロシア語, 英語
Ich möchte mein Russisch und Englisch verbessern und etwas französisch lernen. Wer kann mir dabei helfen. Freue mich auf deine Antwort. Als Gegenleistung helfe ich dir beim Deutsch lernen. Ich Spreche noch Paschtonisch Russisch und Dari. Since I cannot practice here regularly, please contact me via WhatsApp.
学習言語 :  中国語 (北京語)
Hello I am Via I am looking for someone to learn Mandrin with I am a fluent English speaker, and I am 15. If you need help with English I would love to help I just need help learning Mandrin as an exchange, because I am a beginner so I really don't know anything
Hi there, I am Rashid. I am from Pakistan. I did my Graduation in Business Management. Additionally, I have completed my HSK 2 level of Chinese and now I am preparing for HSK 3 and 4. I can speak English and Urdu fluently. I can teach these languages from very basic to advanced level. I want someone to help me in learning new languages. I am a digital marketer, and a day trader and I love to work out, go to the gym, and go hiking in the mountains. I would love to hear from you guys as well.
heyyy! im a high school student in sydney who would like to practice my communication skills in foreign languages. honestly the only reason im learning another language is because i wanna shock native speakers ☠️🙏 i like flags, learning about other cultures and languages and yeah.
heyyy! im a high school student in sydney who would like to practice my communication skills in foreign languages. honestly the only reason im learning another language is because i wanna shock native speakers ☠️🙏 i like flags, learning about other cultures and languages and yeah.
Hi, I'm from India. I'm here to practice English Language. Is there anyone who can exchange language with me.
I'm liaqat Ali khan.i am HSE Manager Chinese company CGGC DHPP. Urdu, English. Cricket, football,
hey hi, its Sahil i can help you with your English and i am here to learn different languages and want to meet people from different countries and know about their culture i am positive optimistic guy
学習言語 :  マラヤーラム語
I'm a Non Malayali B Pharm student studying in Kerala. I Want to learn Malayalam and in exchange I will help you to learn Urdu, or English Languages.
By Origin I am Chinese, lived in China for just a few years, and spent large part of my life in Pakistan. While growing up, I always had a keen interest in speaking clear English language, so the passion drove me to America. California further enhanced my English language skills. Aside from speaking Urdu and Chinese fluently, I love languages. Now, I am working on Romanian. My hobbies include cooking, health and fitness.
学習言語 :  ペルシア語
Greetings.. I am Hassan from Pakistan. love to learn Persian language in exchange of English or Arabic anyone from Iran …?
Hi I am Mohammad Osama from Pakistan and way interested in learning langs Spanish,Arabic and Chinese are my Love!
学習言語 :  韓国語
Hi my name is laiba. I love kdramas. Kpop and korea My dream to visit south korea one day I speak Urdu language And want to learn Korean language If anyone interested in learning urdu feel free to ask I am here just for language experience or making new friends that's it I am a Muslim, so if anyone has a problem with this, ignore it.
学習言語 :  ペルシア語
I am looking for partner who either want to learn English or Urdu and in Exchange can help me to learn Persioan ( Farsi) I am by profession a Professor of Marketing and Sales in Private University here in Islamabad.